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The new first game.

According to my calculations the new game of hoe house will start at twenty three minutes past midnight tonight.

We are now running on a new server and pages will probably load faster.

Much code has been edited in order to achieve this.

Please to be complaining if anything goes wrong. It probably will.
posted by Erik_Revolution on 2012-09-20 05:32:35 (12 years ago)
The game needs variables. It was actually kind of fun when XIX changed the variables. So, why not put up a toolbar where Let's say one hour attacks will be less costly, or perhaps you can get more sticks into the fight. Or bro's count more when partyin'. What do you guys think?
posted by shi on 2012-09-22 23:07:37 (12 years ago)
i like this very much. a weather system would keep things interesting.
posted by Athens on 2012-09-05 19:14:41 (12 years ago)
Hey fix that ! Backspace button, wooooo.
posted by Athens on 2012-09-05 19:14:05 (12 years ago)
I enjoyed the first game. There was lots of spirited competition and even when an individual seemed to have taken a major setback, through the fight and party system, they bounced right back into action.
Overall it felt very balanced. With the greater EN available there was more opportunity to experiment. Everyone was more dynamic in their play and I found it to be good fun.
Not sure what sort of wrench the trade system would put into this. Personally I think the game would become a crap-can again with a trade system implemented at the levels of action the current game offers. I'd be a shame to go from a fun game to one that is more like a chore. Mindless entertainment if you will: no major future prediction needed.
posted by XIX on 2012-09-06 22:23:15 (12 years ago)
not sure about trade will probably re implement it as some kind of special purchase "for a limited time/quantity only". Probably one that also costs energy.
posted by Athens on 2012-09-05 19:13:27 (12 years ago)
I enjoyed the first game. There was lots of spirited competition and even when an individual seemed to have taken a major setback, through the fight and party system, they bounced right back into action.
Overall it felt very balanced. With the greater EN available there was more opportunity to experiment. Everyone was more dynamic in their play and I found it to be good fun.
Not sure what sort of wrench the trade system would put into this. Personally I think the game would become a crap-can again with a trade system implemented at the levels of action the current game offers. I'd be a shame to go from a fun game to one that is more like a chore. Mindless entertainment if you will: no major future prediction needed.
11 years ago saltyfish commented on profile of saltyfish