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Kohaku wins

And another intense session has ended. So intense that appspot started 5 instances. This would have been the cause of all those errors you were experiencing as when they start up, it can take a minute or so for them to get going properly. Still, excellent strategies all round, guys.

Crowns should be awarded in the next hour, server time.

Edit: The 5 instances show that appspot is doing its job as intended and expanding to cope with load. Technically, we have no control over the lagging issues as it's all down to appspot. Lag is just a part of the experience. When that lag happens, is a surprise to us all.
posted by billybangleballs on 2010-11-28 08:37:58 (13 years ago)
Speed rounds would possibly have more players if they started and finished at reasonable times, a 2am start is not appealing to most people.
posted by billybangleballs on 2010-11-28 08:17:12 (13 years ago)
bah humbug
posted by Jshaw995 on 2010-11-21 03:32:53 (14 years ago)
I like how this post changed from talking about appspot issues as issues, to poking fun at people for talking about appspot issues, and playing down their importance.
posted by Athens on 2010-11-21 02:51:33 (14 years ago)
I played 18 mins! Seems to conflict with my schedule, but it's fun anyways!
posted by Kohaku on 2010-11-21 02:25:41 (14 years ago)
I experienced server errors about 5 min before the end. Apparently, it helped me to steal hoes from Jshaw who had the same problem. Still, this isn't something I want to encounter.

My slaves worked well at the end. Next time, I'll use them to build a pyramid instead.
posted by Richie on 2010-11-21 02:19:31 (14 years ago)
11 years ago saltyfish commented on profile of saltyfish